Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

The Right of Self-Defence

Craig Murray: Israel does have the right of self-defence, but only in precisely the same way other countries do. In fact, the only unique factor about Israel here is that it is the only country to have been found by … Weiterlesen

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Israeli minister: Dropping nuclear bomb on Gaza ‘an option’

Haaretz: Israel’s Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said on Sunday that dropping a nuclear weapon on the Gaza Strip is „an option.“ Speaking in a radio interview, the far-right minister maintained that „there are no non-combatants in Gaza,“ adding that … Weiterlesen

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Alexanderplatz 04.11.2023

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Definitions, referents

Juan Cole, ScheerPost: Netanyahu thought that although this was a horrible situation, that the Gaza problem and the Hamas problem were were contained and that Hamas would be happy running its little fiefdom in Gaza and Netanyahu could concentrate on … Weiterlesen

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Freie Universität

Berliner Zeitung: Als Nächstes spricht auf der Demonstration Udi Raz, eine Vertreterin des Vereins „Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost“. Der Verein hatte für sein Engagement 2019 den Göttinger Friedenspreis erhalten, wird vom Zentralrat der Juden aber für seine … Weiterlesen

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Amira Mohamed Ali on Gaza

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A collapse, not a crisis

Franco “Bifo” Berardi, delivering lecture „How Will We Live?„, September 2023.

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This is where I was last night. When you hear the police announce „The cries of ’stop the murder! stop the war!‘ are not allowed“ this is not a joke. This is the police force in a liberal democracy telling … Weiterlesen

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The Islamophobia today reminds me of post-9/11, but the fear in the US today is not from Iraqi Anthrax, Iraqi nuclear weapons, „the terrrorists“, but fear of other Americans, from those others, from the political and intellectual polarization which shows … Weiterlesen

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Srećko Horvat, Paul Stubbs, Dubravka Sekulić: In other words, the stance of socialist Yugoslavia and the NAM on Israel-Palestine is a good demonstration of how one can be both against Zionism and for the existence of the state of Israel, … Weiterlesen

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