Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle


Middle East Eye: On 13 October, an Israeli warplane launched the munitions that would kill Hadeel Abu Al-Roos. She died alongside her husband Basel al-Khayyat and their four children: Mahmoud, Ahmed, Celine and Eline. … Daughters Eline and Celine were … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Legoland

what kind of question is that??!!!!

The Intercept_: On October 7, Axel Springer’s editorial team posted an internal article titled “We stand with Israel.” Raad sought clarification on the company’s stance by sending a private message to an employee who runs the company’s internal message board … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für what kind of question is that??!!!!

Ione Belarra: four things that European states could do today to stop the genocide in Palestine

Kommentare deaktiviert für Ione Belarra: four things that European states could do today to stop the genocide in Palestine

Chances of a regional war

Craig Murray: Oct. 23 saw possibly the most violent bombardment of Gaza until that point, notably concentrated on precisely the areas into which Israel ordered the population to evacuate. I find it almost impossible to believe that this genocide is … Weiterlesen

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This is what it means to be Celtic

Kommentare deaktiviert für This is what it means to be Celtic

Why news outlets and the U.N. rely on Gaza’s Health Ministry for death tolls

Kommentare deaktiviert für Why news outlets and the U.N. rely on Gaza’s Health Ministry for death tolls

Integrationsstaatssekretärin wird wegen israelkritischen Instagram-Posts entlassen

: Sie ist das erste Mitglied einer Landesregierung, das wegen eines israelkritischen Posts in den sozialen Medien ihren Job verliert: Marjam Samadzade. Die Staatssekretärin für Integration in Schleswig-Holstein hatte vor etwa einer Woche einen Instagram-Beitrag kommentiert und über ihren persönlichen … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Integrationsstaatssekretärin wird wegen israelkritischen Instagram-Posts entlassen

Human Rights Watch on ICC Investigation on Israel-Palestine

Human Rights Watch: On October 10, the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory noted there was “clear evidence” of war crimes in Israel and Gaza and that it would be sharing information with relevant judicial authorities, especially the ICC. Despite … Weiterlesen

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The Mysteries of October 7

Seymour Hersh: One serious complication that has not been publicly discussed since the October 7 attack is that the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, were not the sole attackers or collectors of hostages on a day in which … Weiterlesen

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conceptually misleading and normatively unacceptable

Richard Falk: Israel has used the most inflammatory and expansive language to vindicate its retaliatory responses. This lawless Israeli extremism has been blandly endorsed by governments in the US, France, Germany and the UK. Such pronouncements neglect to mention the obligation of the … Weiterlesen

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Appearing to have helped

Guardian: EU foreign ministers have endorsed a “humanitarian pause” in the war between Israel and Hamas to allow aid to get into Gaza in sufficient quantities. The EU’s high representative for foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, said there was consensus around the issue … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Appearing to have helped

Was es heißt, Deutscher zu werden

Nikolas Busse, : Es wäre nicht zu viel verlangt, wenn Deutschland bei Einbürgerungen künftig ein Bekenntnis zum Existenzrecht Israels verlangt. Natürlich wäre die Anerkennung eines anderen Landes ein ungewöhnlicher Schritt beim Erwerb der deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit. Aber es ist eben auch … Weiterlesen

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