Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle


The entire strategy of the system lies in this hyper-reality of floating values. It is the same for money and theory as for the unconscious. Value rules according to an ungraspable order: the generation of models, the indefinite chaining of … Weiterlesen

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Наталья Евгеньевна Горбаневская, *26.05.1936 – †29.11.2013

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The arrival of democracy

Most pertinently, the culturally trained revulsion against violence proved a poor safeguard against organized coercion; while civilized manners showed an astounding ability to cohabit, peacefully and harmoniously, with mass murder. The protracted, and often painful, civilizing process failed to erect … Weiterlesen

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Let me just add that the more recent debate between economic neo-liberals and their critics about the role of the state and publicly owned enterprises is not a specifically Marxist or even socialist debate in principle. It rests on the … Weiterlesen

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Philly voters motivated by crime and Sixers arena

Philadelphia Inquirer:

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Reading The Communist Manifesto in the 21st Century

Marx and Engels described not the world as it had already been transformed by capitalism in 1848, but predicted how it was logically destined to be transformed by it. We now live in a world in which this transformation has … Weiterlesen

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Let us now praise the robust interchange of ideas enjoyed by free speech advocates, tireless campaigners for justice determined that dissident voices not be silenced by the intolerant narrow-mindedness of a bourgeois public.

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Can the city be saved?

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In Flecktarn-Uniform in der Ukraine

SZ: Deutschlands ranghöchster Soldat zeigt sich uniformiert an der Seite ukrainischer Militärs. Darf er das? Die Bilder kommen in Berlin nicht überall gut an – und sind für die Linke eine Provokation. Es sind ungewöhnliche, fast schon historische – und … Weiterlesen

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Craig Murray: Now Protest Is a Moral Duty Two other female policemen were filming with a large video camera from three metres away. Thirty yards down the road were large groups of burly policemen in fluorescent jackets, and beyond them … Weiterlesen

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Lesen gegen das Vergessen

Gregor Gysi I feel I have my finger on the pulse of anti-fascist fashion. White hair is very au courant this year.

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