Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

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Tranquilliser use was higher in Northern Ireland than anywhere else in the United Kingdom. In some later era, the condition would probably be described as post traumatic stress, but one contemporary book called it ‚the Belfast syndrome‘, a malady that … Weiterlesen

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A Bipolar Order – Wolfgang Streeck

Kommentare deaktiviert für A Bipolar Order – Wolfgang Streeck

Bundestag bekommt einen neuen Bürgerrat


Kommentare deaktiviert für Bundestag bekommt einen neuen Bürgerrat

Sandra Scheuer, * 11.08.1949† 04.05.1970

Kommentare deaktiviert für Sandra Scheuer, * 11.08.1949† 04.05.1970

May Day

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In the conjuncture of ‚Antinomies’—this was as true of Hobsbawm or Gerratana as of myself—we were writing of a different era: a time when there had recently been the largest mass strike in history in France, the overthrow of a … Weiterlesen

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Ein Blick in die Berufsstatistik eines konfessionell gemischten Landes pflegt mit auffallender Häufigkeit eine Erscheinung zu zeigen, welche mehrfach in der katholischen Presse und Literatur und auf den Katholikentagen Deutschlands lebhaft erörtert worden ist: den ganz vorwiegend protestantischen Charakter des … Weiterlesen

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Absent some new realignment, we face an unsettled terrain with no broadly legitimate hegemonic ruling bloc—nor any clear and credible counterhegemonic challenger. In this situation, the most likely near-term scenario is a series of pendulum swings, with governments oscillating back … Weiterlesen

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Generally, financialized capitalism is the era of „governance without government“—which is to say, that of domination without the fig leaf of consent. In this regime, it is not states but transnational governance structures such as the European Union, World Trade … Weiterlesen

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Essential to its functioning, public power is part and parcel of the institutionalized societal order that is capitalism. Nevertheless, the maintenance of political power stands in tense relation with the imperative of capital accumulation. The reason lies in capitalism’s distinctive … Weiterlesen

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