Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

New York Times spokesperson came to paper from National Security Agency

Jon Schwarz, The Intercept_: Charlie Stadtlander, director of external communications for the New York Times, joined the paper directly from the National Security Agency, where he served as head of public affairs. According to Stadtlander’s LinkedIn page, he’s worked for the … Weiterlesen

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Intelligence Suggests Pro-Ukrainian Group Sabotaged Pipelines

New York Times: New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines last year, a step toward determining responsibility for an act of sabotage that has confounded investigators on … Weiterlesen

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Ex-UN-Diplomat Michael von der Schulenburg erklärt, warum nicht nur Russland, sondern auch der Westen gegen die Prinzipien der UN-Charta verstößt

Michael von der Schulenburg, EMMA: Ein im Westen ständig wiederholter Vorwurf ist, dass Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine völkerrechtswidrig ist und die Ukraine damit nicht nur das Recht hat sich zu verteidigen, sondern auch das Recht hat, andere Staaten bei … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Ex-UN-Diplomat Michael von der Schulenburg erklärt, warum nicht nur Russland, sondern auch der Westen gegen die Prinzipien der UN-Charta verstößt

Eine Kleine Schwarze

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I clicked „Join the conversation“ after Jeremy Scahill’s article on groupthink on The Intercept_’s web site, hoping to participate in a forum discussing the piece, and was forwarded to Twitter, to find (at the time I posted) 11 tweets which … Weiterlesen

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The Law™

Carey Shenkman: Mike Pompeo, the former CIA director, just published a book where he gloats about how he pressured the Ecuadorian government to get rid of Assange. He talked about how he hoped that Assange would be extradited and prosecuted. … Weiterlesen

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Between 1918 and 1921, Poland was in a state of declared or undeclared war on literally all frontiers except the Romanian. But these—the Polish-Ukrainian War of 1918-19, the Polish-Czech clash of arms in 1919, the Polish-Lithuanian conflict over the Vilnius … Weiterlesen

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Major US Outlets Found Hersh’s Nord Stream Scoop Too Hot to Handle

FAIR: Scores of hits from publications across the globe pop up from an internet search for veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh’s claim that the US destroyed Russia’s Nord Stream gas pipeline. But what is most striking about the page after page … Weiterlesen

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Dan Ellsberg announces terminal cancer diagnosis

Daniel Ellsberg: Dear friends and supporters, I have difficult news to impart. On February 17, without much warning, I was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer on the basis of a CT scan and an MRI. (As is usual with pancreatic … Weiterlesen

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Craig Murray speaking at London No to NATO, No to war

Kommentare deaktiviert für Craig Murray speaking at London No to NATO, No to war

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