Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

A new challenge to NATO’s domination

It’s often hard to know what to make of phrasing which seems unconscious parody. Brave hubris? Desperate farce? So much activity both on social media and in street demonstrations seems to be pageantry for a very narrow audience of the … Weiterlesen

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Wagenknecht hart aber fair 26.02.2023

In appearances like this Wagenknecht makes perfect sense, and moderators treat her as if she’s embarrassingly naïve. Mainstream German media argues from authority, from innuendo — she’s obviously wrong because, well, she’s obviously wrong, can’t you see that? Anyone and … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Wagenknecht hart aber fair 26.02.2023

Craig Murray speaking to Rebel News UK outside the ‚No to NATO – No to War‘ launch event in London

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Greenpeace banner drop at SPD headquarters

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Kommentare deaktiviert für 27.02.1973

This is interesting.

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Sahra Wagenknecht at Brandenburger Tor

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August 1914 liberation of Kielce

On the morning of August 6, 1914, the very day Austria declared war on Russia, 144 badly equipped soldiers of the „First Cadre Company“ crossed the border from Galicia to Congress Poland. During the next weeks, they were joined by … Weiterlesen

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Democracy dies in darkness

Washington Post: „World leaders quickly suggested Russia was responsible, a view still not entirely dismissed but that some Western intelligence assessments and officials have come to doubt.“ Which world leaders quickly suggested Russia was responsible? On what basis? Did other … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Democracy dies in darkness

George Packer, Die Zeit: Nach 20 Jahren des Versagens in Afghanistan und im Irak ist es geradezu schockierend zu sehen, dass Washington immer noch weiß, wie man eine Allianz zusammenhält. Biden und seine Berater handeln kompetent. Und es macht mich … Weiterlesen

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Time travel

This is pretty interesting. If you do an Internet search for „Matt Lee John Kirby Ukraine“ you find tweets, YouTube videos, web pages commenting on Matt Lee making a fool of John Kirby speaking about NATO expansion and Ukraine. And … Weiterlesen

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