Archiv des Autors: Michael Wehle

Remember what they saw. And tell the truth about mankind to those who do not know it.

Zyklon B gas chamber, Majdanek In the days that followed I saw men weep while working with the pickaxe, the spade, in the trucks. I saw them carry heavy rails, sacks of cement, slabs of concrete; I saw them carefully … Weiterlesen

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At that time West Germany was swarming with starved, frightened, suspicious, stupefied hordes of people who did not know where to turn and who were driven from town to town, from camp to camp, from barracks to barracks by young … Weiterlesen

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Seymour Hersh interview in New Left Review

Seymour Hersh: The longer-term outlook for Ukraine was always bleak – partly because it’s still an extremely corrupt country where Western aid is often misused. So I think Biden had a tactical interest in destroying the pipeline, because this would … Weiterlesen

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Liebeserklärung – mit einem unangenehmen Beigeschmack

Matthias Schmidt, Sean Penn hat mit seiner Doku „Superpower“ einen Film über die Ukraine, den Krieg gegen das Land und Wolodymyr Selenskyj gedreht. Es ist eine Liebeserklärung – mit einem unangenehmen Beigeschmack. Ganz am Ende hat man dann doch kurz … Weiterlesen

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What delightful days: no roll-call, no duties to perform. The entire camp stands at attention, but we, the lucky spectators from another planet, lean out of the window and gaze at the world. The people smile at us, we smile … Weiterlesen

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It was undeniable that the conditions in both Auschwitz and Birkenau were steadily improving. At the beginning, beating and killing were the rule, but later this became only sporadic. At first, you had to sleep on the floor lying on … Weiterlesen

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Mick Wallace on Nord Stream

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At that time a few dozen young writers and college graduates in the party traveled from Poland to the East and the West, either to study or to carry out special missions. From Moscow they returned with an incurable ache, … Weiterlesen

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World’s first Atlas of Impunity

Munich(PRWEB) February 17, 2023: The Eurasia Group and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs today publish the world’s first Atlas of Impunity at the Munich Security Conference, a comprehensive index which tracks the abuse of power across five key societal dimensions … Weiterlesen

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Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės Aktas

16.02.1918, Vilnius:

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Clare Daly on Seymour Hersh Nord Stream article

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Seymour Hersh Berliner Zeitung interview about Nord Stream

Seymour Hersh in Berliner Zeitung interview: Ich glaube nicht, dass Außenminister Blinken und einige andere in der Regierung tiefgründige Denker sind.

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